How to Work offline with MS Office 365?

Microsoft Office does not require any introduction, at least for those who are using Windows operating system. it is futile to have a computer that does not come with Word file editor, Excel sheet editor, Outlook, and many other applications which are basically parts of MS office. For convenience of users, Microsoft releases newer version of this tool which comes with more advanced and interesting features. To help users, maker also comes with option for updating it. Recently it has launched Office 365 which is a replacement of traditional software that we used to install to our systems.

This new version is basically a web based platform. You need to subscribe to it for a fixed period of time, as per your desire. During this period, you shall have access to all tools that come as parts of MS-Office. Now, the question is can you work offline with this software? Well, you can surely use these apps offline as long as your subscription is valid. To learn more, you can call Office 365 support.

Subscribe and Install

As soon as you subscribe to this tool, you shall find option for downloading and installing apps that are provided by it. For subscription, you need to follow steps as mentioned.

  • Go to official website of MS-Office and then get signed in.
  • If you do not have an existing account, you need to create a new one by hitting signing up link.
  • When account is created, you should enter it by inserting correct password as well as username.
  • Now, you need to find subscription plans.
  • Choose any plan and then subscribe it.
  • If payment processing is done perfectly, subscription will be completed.

For installing Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and other apps, you just have to follow screen instructions properly.

All these aforementioned steps are simple but technical errors may ruin things for you. If you are landed before technical hiccups, you should pick up phone and call Office 365 technical support number +353-766803697.

Read also this blog: How Can You Make Service Request for MS Office 365 Support?

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